Welcome to joint promotion by Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Zipinmail!
Thank you so much for supporting our mission to get rid of paper mail and save the trees.
Zipinmail is promoting their platform in Hermosa Beach and South Bay. Zipinmail will invest in Video, Email, Text and Social Media campaigns for participating businesses.
Zipinmail is investing 3,000 to $5,000 per business to introduce their unique and innovative technology in
Hermosa Beach. This program will bring in a lot of marketing dollars and boost our local businesses in Beach Cities.
You are one of a few companies selected to participate in the generous Introductory Offer.
Video: Would you like to participate in a Video?
We will produce a 30 second video to jointly promote Zipinmail and your Business via social media. In addition to producing the video free of cost for you ($500 to $2,000 value), Zipinmail will invest a minimum of $100 and maximum of $500 in Ad spend to boost your video through your social media targeted to consumers in Beach Cities.
Email And Text Campaign
Zipinmail will design a template and do a bi-monthly campaign to all available emails and texts to Hermosa residents only, absolutely free of cost to you. In addition, if you have emails & texts of your customers, we will design a template and craft a bi-monthly campaign specifically for your customer list, free of cost to you.
Social Media Campaign
We will create an Ad and post in your social media (or use your existing content) to boost your post to jointly promote Zipinmail and your business targeted to consumers in the Beach Cities. Zipinmail will invest a minimum of $100 and maximum of $500 in Ad spend to boost your post through your social media targeted to consumers in Beach Cities.
To sign up with Zipinmail, please complete the information below and our
Customer Relationship Manager will follow up with you for your Onboarding Session:

Dear Human: If you don’t destroy me, I promise to give you food, water, shelter and oxygen!
Thank You To All of Our Participating Businesses
Please click on the links below to view a presentation from our current Hermosa Beach Participating Businesses

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